Profile of Courses
The OPRC Oil Spill Response Courses (IMO Model courses) are divided in 4 levels:

LEVEL 0: Introductory Level (IMO Model Course 4.01 equivalent)
Duration: One (1) day
Accredited by: The Nautical Institute, UK
Target Group: This is a general introductory course aimed at providing an awareness of the subject to those with no specific job responsibilities in the preparedness or response to oil spill incidents.
Course Aims and Objectives:
To introduce participants to the subject of oil spill response, understand the fate and behaviour of oil when released into the marine and shoreline environment and to consider the impact of oil spills.
To introduce participants to the range of oil spill response options and techniques that are available to the response managers and responders, in addition to common challenges that may be faced during a response operation.
Accredited by: The Nautical Institute, UK.
Delivered physically, tutored online and through our Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) LMS System.
LEVEL 1: First Responder (IMO Model Course 4.02 equivalent)
Duration: Three (3) days
Accredited by: The Nautical Institute, UK
Target Group: The course is aimed at Team Leaders, Supervisors, First Responders and all those working in the field in response to an oil pollution incident.
Course Aims and Objectives:
To enable participants to understand the principles of oil spill response including the management of field operations, and the health and safety aspects of response,
Understand the existing at-sea response techniques that can be used to respond to an oil spill,
Understand the advantages and disadvantages of each oil spill response technique as well as the logistical requirements for their deployment in the field,
Understand in detail the oil spill response support issues including waste management and post-response operations.
Accredited by: The Nautical Institute, UK.
Delivered physically, tutored online and through our Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) LMS System​.

LEVEL 2: Supervisor/On-Scene Commander (IMO Model Course 4.03 equivalent)
Duration: Four (4) days
Accredited by: The Nautical Institute, UK
Target Group: This course is aimed at Incident Managers, On-Scene Commanders, Supervisors and all those working in an incident command centre in response to an oil pollution incident.
Course Aims and Objectives:
To understand the various tactical aspects to be considered during an oil spill response.
To understand in detail the existing oil spill response techniques.
To understand issues that need to be addressed during an oil spill.
To understand the termination process of a response and to consider the post-incident operations and administrative issues that need to be addressed
Accredited by: The Nautical Institute, UK.
Delivered physically, tutored online for the theoretical part and through our Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) LMS System​.
LEVEL 3: Administrator and Senior Manager (IMO Model Course 4.04 equivalent)
Duration: Three (3) Days
Accredited by: The Nautical Institute, UK
Target Group: This Level is for Governmental Officials and Policy Administrators and is combining modules from the previous modules as well as extensive table-top exercises.
Accredited by: The Nautical Institute, UK.
Delivered physically, tutored online and through our Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) LMS System​.

OPRC Oil Spill Response Refresher Course
Designed for those wishing to update their Certificates and refresh their knowledge by sharing/exchanging experiences.
Accredited by: The Nautical Institute, UK.
Delivered physically, tutored online and through our Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) LMS System​.
Oil Spill Awareness Course for vessels Crews and Operating Managers.
Marine casualties have historically generated some major oil spills and although the crews and operators are not directly involved in the response operations, their knowledge of the basics of oil spill response operations can contribute to an efficient and timely response.
Our course has already been selected by some major shipping companies that are willing to raise the awareness of their crews. The course include, amongst other, a description of oil fate and behaviour on the sea surface, tools to calculate the spill trajectory given the environmental characteristics of each particular area, salvage considerations, media response management etc.
Oil Spill Response Equipment Operation and Maintenance Tips
This is a free demonstration, illustrating basic tricks and tips for operating and maintaining your oil spill stockpile. It is regularly updated with new equipment additions.
Delivered through our Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) LMS System​.

HNS (Hazardous & Noxious Substances) Response Training
The OPRC-HNS Protocol 2000 requires governments to establish the training of relevant personnel and a programme of exercises for the response to pollution from hazardous and noxious substances (HNS). The protocol also called for IMO to develop a comprehensive training programme in cooperation with interested governments and industry members. The new courses were designed to complement the suite of existing IMO OPRC model courses for preparedness and response to marine oil spills and aimed to support the efforts of countries in acceding to and implementing the OPRC Convention 1990 and its HNS Protocol 2000. The courses are aimed at Operational Level: First responders, Supervisors and On-Scene Commanders and Management Level for Administrators and Senior Managers.
Accredited by: The Nautical Institute, UK.
Delivered physically, tutored online and through our Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) LMS System​.

Crisis & ICS Management of marine casualties and oil spills
Concerning oil spills and the protection of the marine environment, it is true that spills from tanker accidents have been reduced over the years. However, there is still room for improvements.
NGP Training Center is offering Crisis / ICS Management training for office personnel with emphasis to an effective response and efficient cooperation of all involved parties. The Crisis Response Management Courses are directed to the top-management of a company, actually to those that will handle a crisis.
Delivered physically, tutored online and through our Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) LMS System​.
"CybERAlert" Cyber Security Awareness Course
NGP Training Center was one of the first training providers having identified that as technology advances, new risks are coming forward like the Cyber Security Risk that has already been highlighted by IMO and will be incorporated into ISM’s DOC by 01/01/2021 for all shipping companies. Being a threat that can lead to any kind of casualty and considering that the most vulnerable devices to get hacked are those of the crew members', NGP Training Center has recognized the need for providing awareness to the crews onboard that are actually the “door” for a cyber-attack, offering a tailor-made course to any company’s personnel which actually are the main cyber-doors left open for a cyber-attack.
Recognised for Continuous Professional Development by: The Nautical Institute, UK.
Delivered physically, tutored online and through our Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) LMS System​.

Oil Spill Contingency Planning - Drafting, Review and Audit / Table-top exercises
A fundamental course for administrators, key personnel and policy makers who are willing to implement and maintain a minimum National standard of oil spill readiness, prevention and response. It also pprovides guidance to the participant on how to conduct an audit and a GAP analysis to a facility by presenting a number of methodologies and checklists for assessment of a contingency plan and of the readiness status. Each course is tailor-made to the particularities of our clients’ requirements. Combined with annual table-top exercises it becomes a working tool that builds-up experience, knowledge and response readiness.
Accredited by: The Nautical Institute, UK.
Delivered physically or tutored online.
Environmental Damage Assessment Course
Incidents in the maritime sector, such as ship groundings and oil spills, affect a wide range of stakeholders that benefit from the marine environment. Too often, compensation claims are established through an estimation of clean-up costs and an estimation of income losses for direct stakeholders.
To assess the full range of effects caused by damages in the marine environment, we need to understand how the ecosystem services provided to stakeholders are affected.
NGP Training Center is proposing a 2-day training course to introduce officers active in the maritime sector to the concepts of Natural Capital, ecosystem services and ecosystem services valuation. In doing so, we will train the participants in the use of frameworks such as The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) and Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services (CICES) that has been recognized by the European Union and the UNDP Statistics Office.
The participants will build capacity to assess the steps that are required when valuing ecosystem services, and how this information can be used when preparing and setting up damage assessment processes. In addition, the training will touch upon how the assessment of ecosystem services can be applied to inform marine spatial planning processes to avoid stakeholder conflict in the marine environment.
Delivered physically or tutored online.

Media Response and Public Affairs

Arguably, our today’s connected World provides images of any incident around the Globe almost instantly and people perception can affect the course of a crisis management irreversibly.
This full-day course is suited for potential spokespeople and/or managers who may be confronted by the media during an incident. These key members of your team need to understand the parameters of crisis communications and be able to speak cogently and clearly about the company’s actions.
The aim of the course is to provide insight into media activity during an incident, and into what is generally required for your company to protect its reputation. Providing an effective interview or performing well in a press conference is an important skill and requires practice. Without training and preparation, even the most experienced leaders and presenters can stumble when confronted by aggressive journalists.
Delivered physically or tutored online.
Energy Efficient Operations of Ships
This Course Objective is to provide an understanding of all the parameters that contribute to the energy efficient operation of ships. With the global sulphur cap 2020 in the doorstep of the international shipping industry, it is the right time to understand all the options and prepare for an energy efficient performance of your fleet, thus contributing to the optimization of human activities that are affecting climate change and our common seas.
The Course Modules include an Environmental Performance, International & EU Regulations, Design Measures, Operation Measures, and Innovative solutions.
Recognised for Continuous Professional Development by: The Nautical Institute, UK.
Delivered physically, tutored online for the theoretical part and through our Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) LMS System​.

Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships 1-day course
A course for those wishing to understand the future of shipping. Its content: Overview of the technological developments enabling ship automation: Robotic, Big data, Machine learning; Practical examples of digitalisation/automation in ship operation (navigation, propulsion, safety); Different levels of automation and their practical application; Digitalisation and automation regulatory impact; Impact on cyber security; Automation ship technology and business model; Impact on the human element.
Recognised for Continuous Professional Development by: The Nautical Institute, UK.
Delivered physically, tutored online for the theoretical part and through our Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) LMS System​.
IMO Search And Rescue Convention, 1979 and amendments 1-day course
This course is an IMO Model Course and it is designed for new entries into the workforce of Governmental and Private Organisations that are taking part in the implementation and response to SAR operations. Its content include: Structure of the Convention; Obligation on the Contracting Parties; Cooperation; Operating procedures.
Recognised for Continuous Professional Development by: The Nautical Institute, UK.
Delivered physically, tutored online for the theoretical part and through our Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) LMS System​.

IMO Conventions covering Liability and Compensation 2-day course
This course summarises the IMO Conventions relevant to Liability and Compensation issues arising from a marine incident. Its content include an Overview on the following IMO Conventions, enabling participants to have an understanding of the Conventions and the obligation on Contracting Parties and ship owners/companies including liability and compensation; International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage (CLC), 1969; 1992 Protocol to the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage (FUND 1992); Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea (PAL), 1974; Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims (LLMC), 1976; International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in Connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea (HNS), 1996 (and its 2010 Protocol); International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001; Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks, 2007.
Delivered physically, tutored online for the theoretical part and through our Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) LMS System​.
Hazardous Material Carriage 1-day course
This Course provides an understanding of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code as applicable to the carriage of dangerous goods on Vessels, and their practical application on board; Other relevant IMO Codes (IBC, ICG, IMSBC) for transport of dangerous and polluting goods and MARPOL Annex I (oils); Characteristics and hazards of dangerous goods, and regulations governing their transport; Classification of dangerous goods; Proper shipping name and UN number; Packing, marking, labelling and placarding of dangerous goods and marine pollutants; Shipping papers, dangerous goods manifest and other documentation; Stowage and segregation on board; Transport of dangerous goods in Containers; Emergency Response Procedure (EmS Guide); Medical First Aid Guide (MFAG); Exercises on the use of IMDG Code.
Delivered physically, tutored online for the theoretical part and through our Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) LMS System​.